Literary Record Details

Author: HERODOTUS Hist.

Opus: Historiae
Reference: Hdt.2.32.3

Period: Early Classical

Genre: prose
Subgenre: historiography
Gender: m
Context: colonization

Greek Text: ἀποκληρῶσαι πέντε ἑωυτῶν ὀψομένους τὰ ἔρημα τῆς Λιβύης, καὶ εἴ τι πλέον ἴδοιεν τῶν τὰ μακρότατα ἰδομένων.

English Text: had chosen by lot five of their company to visit the deserts of Libya and see whether they could see any farther than those who had seen the farthest

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Kleros 439, Hdt.2.32.3